[Methos and Duncan sword fight.]
Duncan: Oh, you developed this technique.
Methos: It's working, isn't it?
Duncan: Not for long. [Puts sword to Methos' neck.]
Methos: Whew. [sigh] I got to practice more. New guys come
along. New moves.
Duncan: It's called progress. [Still holding sword to his
Methos: Well then get with it, before Kristin kills you
and your friend.
[Richie enters.]
Richie: Hello. I take it this is not for real?
Methos: God forbid.
Duncan: Just making a point.
Methos: [Steps in before Duncan can introduce him as Methos.]
Uh, I'm Adam Pierson. You must be Richie Ryan?
Richie: Yes.
Methos: Someone here speaks very highly of you.
Richie: Oh, well, nice to meet you, and thanks very much,
Mac. Speaking of which, I've gotta tell you about this woman. She
is unbelievable.
Duncan: Her name's Kristin. I know. [Walks away.]
Richie: [Goes after Duncan.] You know? How do you know?
Mac? Mac, how do you know?

[At Duncan's loft.]
Duncan: I'm sorry, Richie. I'm your friend. I wanted you
to know where you stand
Richie: You're wrong about her, Mac. She's not like that.
She's a very special woman. She's beautiful. She's smart. She's
Duncan: That's how it starts. She'll end up trying to kill
Richie: No way, Mac. Not me. We have this thing between
us, Mac. It's like an electrical connection. Why can't you understand
Methos: They didn't have electricity when he knew her.
Richie: [to Methos] Don't you get sick of him being older
and wiser all the time?
Methos: Yeah, I can see that that could get a bit annoying.
Duncan: Richie, I've been there.
Richie: Mac, that's what I'm trying to say. You've been
there, you've done that. This is all new to me. You guys didn't
work out for each other; that was 300 years ago. Maybe you just
weren't right for each other.
Duncan: And she's right for you?
Richie: I don't know. I've only known her a couple of days,
but Mac, she blows me away. I really think there's something there.
You want me to give that up?
Duncan: Richie, I want you to trust me. Richie, she's not
for you.
Richie: You know, sometimes you knowing everything gets
to be a real pain in the ass. I'll catch you guys later. [Leaves.]
Duncan: He's not listening to me.
Methos: How could he? She's got him tingling in places he
didn't even know he had. Maybe we should just give him the room
and let him make his own mistakes.
Duncan: Even if it gets him killed?

[Painting Duncan's house.]
Duncan: He hasn't listened to a word I said.
Methos: Well that happens. Guess this must be what it's
like to have kids.
Duncan: You think so?
Methos: Yeah. You do your best, teach 'em what you know,
try and show 'em the right path, and then they just have to get
on with it.
Duncan: Yeah, and let 'em make the same idiotic mistakes
that you did. I tried to warn him. What else could I do?
Methos: Well, you could tell him the rest of it.
Methos: You let her walk away then; you let her walk away
now. I mean, what exactly are you waiting for? You know that she
killed Louise Barton because you know what kind of woman she is.
If she'd been a man, she'd have been dead 350 years ago. A
couple of medieval songwriters come up with the idea of chivalry
one rainy day
Duncan: This isn't about chivalry.
Methos: and you embrace
it as a lifestyle. You live and die by a code of honor that was
trendy when you were a kid.
Duncan: Would you rather that I had no code of honor at
Methos: I would rather you survived. You put that first.
Duncan: Do you think it's easy killing a woman that you've held
in your arms, a woman that you've made love to?
Methos: Take it from me, it's easier than dying. Look at
me, MacLeod. I didn't last 5000 years by worrying about anyone but