Here we are, born to be kings.
We're the Princes of the Universe...
(Princes of the Universe, the theme
song from Highlander)

The Chronicles are a complete record of everything Methos has said that
we know of every great speech, sage advice, arrogant comment and
witty line. I'm sure he has said much more that's not recorded since
it appears that once he gets to know you, he never shuts up.
Hey! Adam Pierson
Or leaves, especially if you have beer in the fridge.
I am NOT a freeloader! I exchange advice for beer. Adam
And if you happen to have a Queen CD collection as well, prepare yourself
for the houseguest from hell.
Is Duncan MacLeod ghostwriting this introduction? Adam
Hint: It's not that I'm especially fond of opera. It's that I know
Methos doesn't like it. D. MacLeod
MacLeod, I'm going to reprogram your stereo to play Antonio Neri's
CD ad infinitum then break the remote control. Adam

24 June 2001 Solved some ambiguous dialogue in The
Methos Chronicles transcript. It's now complete! Added more behind-the-scenes
trivia to Chivalry and Comes
a Horseman and trivia to Timeless.
22 June 2001 Transcripts from Endgame and The
Methos Chronicles Flash series. There were a couple places in Endgame where
I couldn't make out the dialogue and they are marked with square brackets
[?]. If anyone can figure those parts out, let
me know!
The "Comes a Horseman" Jimmy scene is now downloadable as
a zipped WAV file (783 KB). Right-click
on the link and select "Save As" to download.

Using the Chronicles
The Chronicles are arranged by episode and chronologically by scene
within each episode. To save space, in some cases entire scenes were
not transcribed, only the parts relevant to Methos.
Which, of course, are the most important parts anyway. Adam
Each page begins with a quote from a Queen lyric just to prove that
you can find a Queen lyric for every occasion, all quotes in the headers
are from songs by Queen. (Okay, some were a stretch.) If a MIDI of the
song is available, you can click on the song title to hear it or right-click
on the song title to download it. The MIDI on this page is Princes
of the Universe, of course.
To hear Methos speak, just click on the underlined dialogue.
Obviously, this won't work if your computer can't play WAV files. I have
a lot more WAVs, but limited server space prevents them from being included.
However, I have left space for requests, so e-mail
me if there's a particular one you'd like to see.
Scenes where Methos didn't speak, e.g. setting fire to the power plant
at the end of "Comes a Horseman," are not included, for obvious reasons.
Behind-the-scenes trivia comes mostly from AOL bulletin board posts
by writers Donna Lettow and Gillian Horvath, and con reports and transcriptions
by ROG list members Abby, Annie, Suze and me!

The transcriptions were done from audiotapes made from videos. (Audiotapes
are easier to rewind and playback repeatedly than videos.) Since almost
all of the videos are second- and third-generation copies, there may
be a few places where dialogue was misheard. Where the dialogue wasn't
clear, [square brackets] indicate a best guess as to what was said and
[?] indicates that I don't have a clue what was said. Clarifications
and corrections are appreciated; please send them to
The Highlander novels in which Methos appears have been listed
where they fit in the episode timeline according to the Watcher Chronicles

Eurominutes are dialogue and/or scenes edited out of US-aired episodes
to allow for more commercial time. Eurominutes that include Methos are
included for all episodes except "The Modern Prometheus" (since I haven't
yet transcribed the Euro-version of that episode). Eurominutes are indicated
in bold text.