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"I am Methos. You live to serve me. Bacon or eggs take your pick."ParodiesSeacouver Street On Methos.orgMethos.org
Get in the mood with MIDIs of the themes from Sesame Street and The Muppet Show. And look in the text for a link to another famous muppet song. Let's sing along now... Sunny day,
sweepin' the heads a-way [FADE to Joe's Bar. Miss Piggy enters, hair wild, brandishing a sword.] PIGGY: All right. I know he's in town. Where is he? Where is he?! DUNCAN: Where is who, Piggy? PIGGY: Bertos. DUNCAN: Bertos? PIGGY: You know him as Bert, but to me he is Bertos, leader of the Four Horsemuppets of the Apocalypse. JOE: But the Horsemuppets are just a legend. PIGGY: Not to me, they aren't...
[FADE to 3000 years ago. Horsemuppet camp. Piggy wakes up.] PIGGY: [dazed and confused] Where am I? METHOS: I am Methos. You live to serve me. Bacon or eggs take your pick. PIGGY: B-b-b-bacon? METHOS: Your village is providing dinner tonight. PIGGY: My people, what have you done with them? METHOS: You wanna see them? [Points to spits where several pigs are impaled and rotating.] There they are. PIGGY: [horrified] Porky! Babe! Tilly! You killed them? You killed all of them?! METHOS: Including you but your fat is hard to fry. [Ernie is chasing Animal across the camp.] ERNIE: Give it back! ANIMAL: [holding a rubber ducky out of reach] Me want ducky! Me want ducky! METHOS: [snatches rubber ducky and honks it at Animal] Enough! If I have to lose one, it will be you. BERTOS: Trouble? METHOS: Not anymore. BERTOS: Good. We are brothers. We never raise a rubber ducky against each other. And we share everything. [machine-gun laugh] Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh. Wanna see my paperclip collection? ANIMAL, ERNIE, METHOS: No!!! [FADE to Joe's Bar. Methos enters.] METHOS: Uh, hi guys. What's up? PIGGY: You! METHOS: I don't know you. PIGGY: You're dead! [karate chop] Hiiiiiiiii-ya! Hiiiii-ya! Ya! Ya! METHOS: [crumpling under Miss Piggy's blows] MacLeod! Help me! [Duncan grabs Miss Piggy. Methos runs away.] DUNCAN: What are you doing?! PIGGY: He was one of them one of the Horsemuppets. He fried bacon and roasted pork alongside them! [FADE to parking lot of Joe's Bar. Methos is opening the door to his Jimmy. Suddenly he gasps and looks down. A giant paper clip is stuck in his chest.] BERTOS: Greetings, brother. It's been a long time. Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh. [Yanks paper clip out. Methos gasps.] What's the matter? You gone soft? Spending too much time in front of a computer? METHOS: I outgrew Commodore 64s a lot quicker than you, Bertos. BERTOS: How rude! [Slaps Post-It note over Methos' mouth. Notices Methos' bruises.] So... Piggy's back. You never could bring yourself to make pork chops, could you? Well, I'll do it for you, but first you kill MacLeod! [Duncan exits Joe's Bar to see Methos peeling a Post-It note off his mouth, staring forlornly into the distance.] DUNCAN: Did you do it? Did you bake all those sausage rolls? METHOS: Let it be, MacLeod. DUNCAN: No. Answer me, Methos! METHOS: Yes! Is that what you wanna hear? I baked those sausage rolls. But I didn't just bake a hundred. I baked a thousand. I baked ten thousand! And I fried chicken too! GONZO: You killed a chicken?! [Whips out sword rushes at Methos.] The Great Gonzo will have your head! [Methos scrambles into the Jimmy and floors it. Gonzo turns on Duncan angrily.] GONZO: Is he a friend of yours? DUNCAN: [sadly] Not anymore. We're through. [FADE to an abandoned Office Depot. Bertos is stringing paper clips into a long chain. He feels a buzz.] BERTOS: So, you're back. Did you kill MacLeod? [Methos is silent.] BERTOS: [rattling paper clip chain] I should just kill you instead. METHOS: If you do, you'll never have the Horsemuppets. BERTOS: What do you mean? METHOS: Ernie and Animal, I know where they are. [FADE to an abandoned Toys 'R' Us. Methos and Ernie are walking down an aisle.] ERNIE: Isn't this wonderful? We're all together again. [Spies a shelf full of rubber duckies. Snatches one and hugs it.] Oh look! Do you think Bertos will let me keep it? METHOS: I'll ask him. ERNIE: [singing] Oh, rubber ducky, you're the one.... You make bath time so much fun.... [FADE to exterior of Toys 'R' Us.] KERMIT: Hi ho. Kermit the Watcher here, on what will soon be the site of a battle between powerful Immortals. The outcome will determine the fate of the world! Ssshhh, here come some of them now. [Bertos appears, dragging Miss Piggy into the Toys 'R' Us.] KERMIT: [whispering] Unbeknownst to Bertos, Duncan MacLeod has just killed Animal in a music store drumsticks are no match for a katana and now MacLeod is on his way here. [FADE to Toys 'R' Us, interior.] BERTOS: I brought you a present, brother. Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh. [Shoves Miss Piggy at Methos.] PIGGY: [to Methos] I knew you were a Horsemuppet, no matter what you told Dunkie-poo. You you carnivore! METHOS: I never said I was a vegetarian. BERTOS: Tie her up. [Ernie ties up Miss Piggy with skipping rope. Bertos hears a noise.] BERTOS: We have a guest. [Bertos and Methos go to the checkout section of the store.] BERTOS: Give up, MacLeod. Attack me, and my brother here will make sure that there's pork on the barbie tonight. DUNCAN: Methos, don't do this. METHOS: I always go where there's dinner. [Duncan draws his katana and advances on Bertos.] BERTOS: Kill the pig. [Methos runs off.] [FADE to back room of Toys 'R' Us.] METHOS: [draws sword] Untie her. ERNIE: [static laugh] Kehehehehe. Should I fire up the barbecue, brother? METHOS: [swings sword down till it's resting on the rubber ducky] I am not your brother! ERNIE: [shocked] How can you do this? You would kill my rubber ducky to save a pig? METHOS: I'm reducing the fat and cholesterol in my diet. [Slices rubber ducky in half.] We're having duck l'orange tonight. [Ernie screams, draws Fisher Price ax and charges at Methos.] [From behind a checkout counter.] KERMIT: [whispering] Hi ho. Kermit the Watcher here again. As you can see, the battle has been joined... [Kermit hops to the back room. Intent on fighting, Ernie and Methos don't notice him. He unties Miss Piggy.] PIGGY: Kermie! My hero! [kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss...] [Ernie and Methos' duel moves out of the back room.] BERTOS: [seeing Ernie and Methos] Methos! [to Duncan] I am the end of swine!!! DUNCAN: [grinning] You're Caesar salad and we all know what happened to Caesar. [Duncan stabs Bertos.] ERNIE: [seeing Bertos go down] Old buddy! No! [Methos uses the distraction to knock Ernie to his knees. He takes Ernie's head. The lights in the store dim. Cash registers go ka-ching ka-ching. Lego flies out of their boxes. Barbie dolls start talking like G.I. Joe. Rubber duckies bonk Duncan and Methos on the head. Methos drops to his knees.] METHOS: [sobbing] I killed Ernie! I liked Ernie! PIGGY: [holding Ernie's ax to Methos' neck] And now your goose will be cooked. DUNCAN: Piggy, no! PIGGY: You want him to live?! DUNCAN: Yes, I want him to live! [Miss Piggy lowers ax.] [FADE to a park.] DUNCAN: So you're giving up meat and veggies? What are you going to do, chew gum the rest of your life? METHOS: A thousand Chiclets, MacLeod. A thousand Chiclets. KERMIT: [voiceover] This episode of Seacouver Street was brought to you by the letters R-E-V and by the numbers 6 and 8! |
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