was when I took my first head. Before that, it all starts to blur."
Mediawest '99
Party posters
At the party
Door decorating
Tarot card reading
On Methos.org
Door decorating
Every year, MediaWest holds a Door
Decorating contest with prizes given to those who come up with the most
creative ways of beautifying the hotel room doors (and halls, in some
cases). Naturally, Star Wars was a popular theme this year,
but Immortals weren't left out of the game...

Someone threw a 5000th birthday party for our favorite old guy. The sign above the table
says "Look who's 50" with a couple extra zeros added on by
the party hostesses.

Close-up of the door

Close-up of the table. Nice details with the wheel and the tombstone, with a few swords
and beer bottles thrown in for good measure.
At last, what we've all been waiting for a do-it-yourself Quickening! Complete with
katana and artfully arranged headless corpse. Door created by Sophia
Mulvey, Karen Travers and Sue Glasgow.

Of course, Ye Webmaster had to try it out for herself...