MediaWest is held every Memorial
Day in Lansing, Michigan. The con has no celebrity guests, but instead
celebrates fan creativity fan fiction and art, music videos,
costumes and more.
Lorna B. hosted a "Methos
and all things Peter Wingfield" party on Friday evening at MediaWest.
To advertise the party, she created several posters with hilarious
photo-captions so hilarious that it would be a shame if they
were never seen again...

Methos registers shock as he realizes the judges have given him a score of only 1.5
in the All-Europe Sprawl Competition.

"First, no party for me at last year's MediaWest, and now Joe has only Zima on
tap. I... I don't think I can go on..."
(screen capture by Pookah)

"If you don't attend my party, you'll be a pain in the arse... and you know what
happens to pains in the arse."
(screen capture by Methosluvr)

"I hate these unorthodox methods of smuggling swords overseas. They pass customs
all right, but retrieval is hell!"
(screen capture by Methosluvr)

Woad war paint. Snazzy. Elegant. Unforgettable. But what every red-blooded fan wants
to know is how low does it go?! (The answer was found at
the party...)
(screen capture by Pookah)

This is Methos before the party. This is Methos after the party. Any questions?
(screen captures by Methosluvr)

"All right, ye daft old bugger! I'll go to yer damned party!"